Our Warranty
Warranty Assist was setup to transform the relationship dealers have with their warranty provider.
We deliver flexible, effective cover levels designed to reassure and keep car buyers happy.
Our goal is to make the process of adding a warranty simple, quick and easy, while providing the highest level of dealer support throughout the cover period
We help our dealers do what they do best - sell cars, safe in the knowledge they are backed by effective cover and fast claims management.
Tailored Warranties
Best Dealer Support
Rapid Claims Payout
Our Warranty Portal provides an intuitive multi-platform toolkit. Set up policies instantly, tailoring plans to individual customer needs, with the freedom to easily upgrade at a later stage should the need arise

Any questions? Give us a call or send us an email:
What our Dealers say:
Dealer support
Unlike other Dealer Warranty companies, all our staff are motor trade people, with a firsthand understanding of the needs of car buyers and retailers alike.
All our Account Managers have direct lines, so if you call Warranty Assist, we answer. No holding. Call us today! The dealer support team are here Mon - Sat, 9am - 6pm.